Monday, April 22, 2013

Surviving Our Move from Dubai to Abu Dhabi . . . First Impressions

Abu Dhabi Corniche skyline
photo courtesy of 
When Roger and I announce our intention to move from Dubai to Abu Dhabi many of our friends expressed grave concerns.

“It’s so much slower than Dubai.”

“Do they have any really good restaurants?”

“It is much more traditional than Dubai, it may be hard to make friends.”

“Oh, so sorry to hear you have to move there. Everyone says it isn't as much fun as Dubai.”

Oh dear  . . . . listen up my Dubai friends, this joint is jumping – literally!

Saturday, April 20, 2013

What are your fears? How do you handle them? This week’s Best of the Boomer Blogs brings you advice on handling many things we fear.  

SoBabyBoomer says, "In order to rediscover our natural confidence and live a fearless life, we must examine the challenge: we must 'recognize fear.'"

What about the fear of romance and sex in our later years? Karen D. Austin thinks too many people believe that romance, love, and sex are extinguished by midlife. She offers an overview of films that explore how people 50 plus still have relationships that include such goodies--and how mature lovers still have to manage the accompanying complexities.